The 4 Faces of Love Inventory Stabilizer Unifier Clarifier Activator A guide to relating from your centre
Welcome to the on-line version of The 4 Faces of Love Inventory. 1. Start here by completing 20 questions either individually (left box) or as a couple (right box). When filling it out as a couple, this means sitting down in front of the screen and completing the 20 questions together. You will both get your over-lapping shapes so you can see where the similarities and differences are.
Circle as many statements for each question that mostly describe you. Include how others describe you. You can circle more than one answer. If all of the statements in a question do not apply to you move to the next question.
2. After completing the questions, print out your 2 pages. If you're coming along to one of the training retreats, make sure you bring these results with you.
3. Below you can find some links which might appeal to you as a way of interpreting your score.
4.If you like this inventory and think it would help others find their Centred Self, please pass this link on to a friend.
Interpreting your % score: Click on your temperament below
It is likely you will have a spread of percentage scores, but one may be more dominant. These general profiles are a good introduction to the 4 major temperaments, a good place to start.
Here are some further links to help you understand more about your temperament and the temperaments of others. I hope you find them helpful.